BEE² 啟動禮暨「中小企業的發展和所需支援意見調查」發布會
Inauguration Event of Biz Expands Easy Square (BEE²) and Voice of Customer Announcement
2024 - 02 - 28

客戶名稱: 香港生產力促進局
影片長度: 50分鐘 | 1分鐘
影片語言: 廣東話 (字幕: 無)
活動名稱: BEE² - 啟動禮
時代影視娛樂製作有限公司有幸再次與生產力促進局合作,共同製作BEE² 啟動禮暨「中小企業的發展和所需支援意見調查」發布會的活動。活動簡短而隆重,時代影視為該活動提供混合活動現場網絡直播、多機視頻錄製及活動攝影、活動材料的設計和製作佈置-LED牆效果設計、簽名背幕、演講台展板、麥克風標籤、手持展板、來賓證、典禮開幕儀式把戲、主持安排等服務,以推廣BEE²平台。
活動於2024年1月17日 在香港生產力局舉行。香港特別行政區政府商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士, JP, 為活動致開幕辭, 生產力局主席 陳祖恒議員 和 生產力局首席營運總監 林芷君女士,一起為BEE2 進行啟動禮。香港中文大學 新聞與傳播學院 研究教授 蘇鑰機 教授公布了《中小企業的發展 和 所需支援》意見調查結果;林芷君女士 發表了生產力促進局為協助中小企業創優增值、以及妥善運用政府資助計劃的三大行動,以增強中小企業對平台的認知和應用。
BEE²(Biz Expands Easy Square)是香港生產力局於2024年1月推出的平台。其目標是建立一個政府資助計劃的交流平台,為中小企業和初創企業提供資訊和互動交流。
Client Name: Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Video Length: 50 minutes| 1 minute
Video Language: Cantonese (Subtitle: N/A)
Event Name: BEE² - Inauguration Event
Times Audio Visual Production Limited (TimesAV) is honored to partner with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) again to jointly produce the “Inauguration Event of Biz Expands Easy Square (BEE²) and Voice of Customer Announcement”. TimesAV provided services including hybrid event live streaming, onsite multi-cameras video recording and photography for the event, event materials design and production - LED wall effect, signature backdrop, podium foamboard, mic tag, handheld foamboard, guest badges, kick off gimmick for opening ceremony, emcee arrangement to publicize BEE² platform.
The event was held at HKPC building on 17 January 2024. The Honourable Dr Bernard CHAN Pak-li, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, HKSAR Government, delivered the opening remarks at the opening ceremony. The Honourable Dr Chan, Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC and Ms Vivian LIN, Chief Operating Officer of HKPC, jointly officiated the ceremony. Professor Rebecca CHIU, Research Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, announced the survey findings of the “SME Development and Support Needs Survey”. Mrs Candy LAM shared the three major initiatives launched by the HKPC to strengthen SMEs’ awareness and adoption of the platforms for creating values and leveraging government funding schemes.
BEE²(Biz Expands Easy Square) is a platform launched by the Hong Kong Productivity Council in January 2024. Its objective is to establish an exchange platform on government funding schemes and provide information and interactive engagement for SMEs and start-ups.