FSDC Talent Amplifier Programme (TAP) - Fireside Chat Programme
香港金融發展局 「人才拓展計劃」 - 業界人士爐邊會談
2022 - 01 - 31
影片長度:4分鐘 x 6條
影片語言:英文 (字幕: 英文)
影片標題: 金發局「人才拓展計劃」 - 業界人士爐邊會談
本公司有幸與香港金融發展局 (FSDC) 合作,爲其「業界人士暖爐談話」項目的其中六名參與者拍攝分享短片,讓有意從事金融業的人瞭解行業。
Client Name: HK Financial Services Department Council (FSDC)
Video Length: 4 minutes * 6 Videos
Video Language: English (Subtitle: English)
Video Title: FSDC’s Talent Amplifier Programme (TAP)- Fireside Chat Programme
Our company is delighted to have collaborated with the Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) in Hong Kong to produce a series of testimonial videos featuring six participants from the " Fireside Chat Programme”, providing insights into the industry for individuals interested in pursuing a career in finance.
The FSDC successfully launched the " Fireside Chat Programme”, aiming to provide tertiary students in Hong Kong with free career coaching and high-touch interaction opportunities with young practitioners in the financial services industry. These young practitioners shared their personal experiences in the industry and provided tips for resume polishing and job interview preparation.
The interviewees were six junior practitioners nominated by speakers from the "Practitioner Speakers Series". They engaged in comprehensive discussions covering various topics including academic backgrounds, career aspirations and progression, work challenges and difficulties, job qualifications, industry insights, etc.
The program received widespread acclaim from the participating students, with 100% agreement on its usefulness for career planning, and over 95% of students finding it helpful in gaining a better understanding of the respective industry.