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HKPC Industrial Metaverse – Celesphere
2023 - 05 - 31
客戶名稱:香港生產力局 Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
影片長度:1.5 分鐘
影片語言: 廣東話 | 普通話 | 英文 (字幕: 繁體中文 | 簡體中文 | 英文)

HKPC 香港生產力局工業元宇宙 - Celesphere推廣影片


為加速新型工業化及數字經濟發展,生產力局特別設立香港首個以工業元宇宙為主題的科技研發展館「工業元宇宙科技館 Celesphere」,致力結合元宇宙、工業4.0、人工智能及人機界面技術,幫助企業優化整個產品實現過程,進一步把「信息化」融入業務策略核心,加速實踐數字經濟和實體經濟深度融合。

Celesphere 位於生產力大樓,展出各類工業元宇宙應用技術方案,當中包括國際專業機構認證之獲獎項目。生產力局從不同行業角度探索元宇宙於工業層面上的實際應用,為業界提供服務覆蓋三大範疇,包括使能技術、元宇宙內容和未來技能發展。


Client Name: Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Video Length: 1.5 minutes
Video Language: Cantonese | Mandarin | English (Subtitle: Traditional Chinese | Simplified Chinese | English)

HKPC Industrial Metaverse – Celesphere Promo

Our company is honored to have the opportunity to produce the promotion video for Celesphere, which is Hong Kong’s  very first technology hall themed in Industrial Metaverse, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Productivity Council.

To facilitate new industrialisation and digital economy development, HKPC has set up the Hong Kong’s first technology hall themed in Industrial Metaverse, “Celesphere”, combining metaverse, Industry 4.0 (i4.0), artificial intelligence and human-machine interface technologies to help enterprises optimise production processes and further integrate digitalisation as a core business strategy, accelerating the deep integration of digital economy and the real economy.

Located at HKPC Building, Celesphere showcases various industrial metaverse application solutions, including project which has garnered prestigious international awards and recognitions from world-renowned professional bodies. HKPC explores the numerous technologies that accelerate the Industrial Metaverse application from various industry perspectives, supports industry in three focus areas, enabling technologies, content and FutureSkills development.

Welcome to Celesphere, HKPC's very own galaxy to experience the limitless opportunities of Industrial Metaverse.

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