Home > News > Drainage Services Department (DSD) | Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) Robotics and AI Division (RAD) : Smart Sewage Foam Removal Robot
Drainage Services Department (DSD) | Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) Robotics and AI Division (RAD) : Smart Sewage Foam Removal Robot
渠務署| 香港生產力局機械人及人工智能部: 智能污水除泡機器人
2022 - 01 - 28
客戶名稱:渠務署 |香港生產力促進局
影片長度:3 分鐘




本公司很榮幸有機會與渠務署(DSD) 及 香港生產力促進局(HKPC) 合作拍攝推廣影片,展示智能除泡機器人如何解決全球污水處理行業中廣泛存在長達數十年的生物泡沫問題。智能除泡機器人展示了其節水和高性價比的消泡性能。隨著機器人的部署,工人在去除泡沫期間不再需要長時間到現場暴露於細菌和陽光下。這提高了工人的職業安全和健康,減輕了他們的工作量。

Client Name: Drainage Services Department | Hong Kong Productivity Council
Video Length : 3 minutes
Video Language : English (Subtitle: English)

A.I. & Robotics - Intelligent Foam Removal Robot

The application of automated artificial intelligence strategies can effectively improve efficiency, strengthen the formulation of clear development directions across various industries, and further expand and promote enterprise intelligent solutions.

Wastewater treatment is an indispensable process to remove contaminants from sewage before being discharged to water bodies, thereby preventing water pollution and contributing to the city’s sustainable development.

Our company is honoured to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Drainage Services Department (DSD) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) in producing a promotional video, demonstrating how the Intelligent Foam Removal Robot addresses the long-standing issue of biological foaming in the global wastewater treatment industry. The Intelligent Foam Removal Robot demonstrates its water-saving and cost-effective defoaming performance. With the deployment of the robot, workers no longer need to spend extended periods on-site, exposed to bacteria and sunlight during foam removal. This enhances the occupational safety and health of the workers while reducing their workload.

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